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News - Tetralab


Case Studies
An IVF and surrogacy agency, previously working mainly with a Chinese audience, approached us with the task of expanding their market and creating a brand from scratch for work with American and European markets. Bright goal to help people, successful collaboration, and precious experience!

Create and launch a startup from scratch. The client has already established his business processes but did not have an online presence. He approached us with a request to create a multi-page website with a unique design and an intuitive user path.

We've conducted a market analysis, developed a brand strategy, and identified our killer features. Then we've created a website based on approved UX and UI design, set up analytics and launched an ads test. We've also implemented the automation of the first touches with leads thanks to the CRM integration.

During the ads test, we encountered a lot of pitfalls associated with the highly confusing user journey through the healthcare funnel. This service is very delicate, illegal in most countries, and it is important not to disrupt the sequence of procedures. At the moment, our team optimizes the sales funnel, legal information, and lead generation.

The market research was the biggest challenge for us. There are a lot of giants with outdated designs, as well as beautiful newcomers who do not inspire any confidence. Moreover, since the field is quite spicy, we needed the experience of our marketers to draw up the right marketing strategy.

1. It is not reasonable to run ads on Facebook for international surrogacy and Covid-19 masks shop from one account at one time.
2. If you don't want to blush in front of customers - cooperate with the best partners in the market only.